Last night Emily and I were up late. Too late. Why? Well, we were playing Neopets. Emily mentioned that she had signed on again and we launched into a discussion of what we used to do for hours in Neopia. She talked about playing the ever popular Meerca Chase and selling items in her shop. I told her about playing the stock market and collecting secret avatars. When I told her about what the secret avatars are and how I would spend a lot of time on the message boards role playing, she logged on to find out exactly what I was talking about. When she couldn't find the boards I logged on to tell her where to go. It was surprising that I remembered so many of my logins. We spent the night playing Meerca Chase, Destruct-O-Match and Dice-a-Roo. We grabbed some free omelette, spun some wheels, and fed our neopets. It was amazing how much I remembered. I told Emily how to collect at least five secret avatars from memory using words and phrases such as Kadotie, Wheel of Monoton...