
I discovered somethings about myself yesterday. Don't you just love those moments of revelation? I realized that I'm going about this whole dating thing the wrong way. My past relationships have been long and there was a strong connection formed. My problem is that I am immediately looking for the same level of connection. That's not possible. I don't take into account how long it took those connections to form.

You know, I think a lot of people have this same problem. We've had great relationships in which we were very comfortable and we felt a strong connection. It's natural to want that again, and when you had that connection for a long time it's hard to remember what it was like before that connection so it's hard to imagine a relationship when we don't feel that connection at the beginning.

Even if there was a connection at the very beginning it wouldn't be the same connection. It would be a completely new relationship with a person who is completely different from those in your past.

I feel like I'm talking in really confusing circles, and most of you probably don't think this discovery is that great, but for me it's really given me insight on why my life is going the way it is. Anyway, that's it. Thanks for reading.


  1. It's a very important discovery.
    And I think it's great.
    Good luck, my duckling.

  2. For what it's worth, I totally understand. And it makes perfect sense. And I actually thought it was rather enlightening, because it explains a lot for myself too...
    Thanks for sharing! You just unraveled a mystery of my life as well.

  3. I think it's great!!!


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