Those We Love
It's so hard to see those we love doing something we know isn't right or isn't good for them. You just want to sit them down and try and tell them in the most impartial way that what they are doing isn't right. It's hard because you know that they are happy now and their life feels good now, but you also know it will make it harder later. It's hard because you know they might think that you are being judgmental or that you have selfish motivations, but you really don't. You would even trade ever seeing or talking to them again for it if nessicary. It's hard because you just want them to be happy, but you want them to do what's right. It's also hard, because they don't think that what they are doing is going to make it harder or that what they are doing isn't right. It's hard because you love them so very much. Well loved ones, if you won't listen to me then listen to the Lord. Listen to his prophets. Pray and fast. If y...