
Whenever I am talking to someone I care about I always try to ask about their day and what they've filled it with. It's not that I'm trying to stalk them or be nosy and such, I just like to hear stories. When I ask, "So, what did you do today?" I want to see life through their eyes for a bit. I want to hear a story that will show me what it's like to be them for a day. In addition to hearing stories I love to tell stories. Whether it's about what I learned in class or what I ate for lunch, I love to show people my life. The only problem is that I feel people don't want to see my life. When I try to tell my stories I feel like those I'm talking to are bored or see me as conceited. People don't seem to care enough to ask me what I've done that day or to ask me how work or class was. Granted some may have asked me in the past and I may have replied with an, "Eh, it was good." Sometimes there is no story to share, but more often than not I have a story to tell. I really don't mean to sound conceited or full of my self; I really truly just like to tell stories.


  1. Um, I love stories. And like we discussed before, listening to other people's stories makes me feel justified sharing more of mine, which I love to do! Perhaps we should play more and thus meld our love of stories together! yay!!


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