
Showing posts from March, 2009


In the German language there are many adjectives that end in '-lich'. Sportlich, freundlich, natürlich, rundlich, ärgerlich, kindlich, and pünktlich are a few of those. These are translated as athletic (sporty), friendly, natural (naturally), round (roundly), irritated (angryly), kindly, and punctual (punctually). The '-lich'acts as the '-ly' in English in a way. So sometimes when I'm bored I flip through my German/English dictionary. A few days ago I found the word veluptuous. Veluptuous is defined as: full delight or pleasure of the senses; conductive to or arising from sensuous or sensual gratification; suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form. The German word for voluptuous is sinnlich. Following the '-lich' pattern that would be sinly. Voluptuousness is sinful. Yup. Straight from the German language through me to you. Enjoy.

I hate losing...

Like most people, I hate losing. I had a Ju Jitsu tournament this morning and it was a fail. I keep going over the two matches I lost trying to figure out what went wrong. Then my arm has a spasm of pain and I remember, Oh yeah... I gave her my arm and gave her the match. I fail. My second match only lasted like two seconds before the girl was wrentching my arm out of it's socket. I still can't figure out what went wrong with the first match though. I had back control so many times. I was putting on the choke and she just slipped out. I put her in a triangle choke quite a few times as well but I couldn't get it right. I tried to pull of an arm bar which I usually have a high success rate but she was too strong. Or maybe I'm just too small. I let myself get too comfortable with those I practice with. My muscle memory was trained to Kendall's moves and the moves of those in my class. I wasn't expecting or prepared for anything else. I can't hel...

Freezing point of muscle

What exactly is the freezing point of muscle?  I know it's not liquid so does that mean it's already frozen.  At what temperature does muscle turn to hard brittle fibers that shatter when stretched beyond their frozen limits?  I think I hit that temperature this morning during my 2 mile run for the APFT.  After I ran I got into my car to go home and every muscle in my body ached.  Even the muscles I hadn't used were killing me.  As I rotated the wheel to make a left turn my radial muscles cringed in protest as their frozen fibers were flexed.  Now, my muscles are all sore.  Maybe I need to loosen and warm them up again with a jog then get a massage... That could work.  Basically, frozen muscles aren't fun. Nope... Oh and look what I found: 1. The mean depression of the freezing point for the resting muscle of the bull frog was found to be 0.42°C. 2. The mean depression of the freezing point for the completely fatigued muscle of the bull frog was found to be 0.57°C. 3. T...

Time - just a superficial excuse

Time is nothing you have, time is something you have to take.  You can only regret what you have not done. And the reason you haven't done it is probably because you didn't have the time. Rubbish. Of course you had the time. You just decided to spend it on something else. Hopefully something that you will remember.  It's here all the time (you see?), and it's all around us. We always say that we don't have it. But we've got loads of it. We've got all the time in the world. 

100th Post!

Wow! This is my 100th post for this blog!  I'm pretty excited about that fact.  I am rubbish at keeping a journal, but at least I'm keeping something.  It doesn't have the same feeling as a tangible, hand-written journal, but it's better than nothing.  I love this blog.  It's a place I can post my feelings and thoughts without getting those weird looks from people.  I can vent here and people don't give my their hollow pity.  This is my escape. Let's have a 100th post party. *hands out cake and ice cream*  Hooray for blogs! :D

The world beneath me

Sometimes when I'm walking alone it feels like I'm pulling the world beneath me instead of my feet pushing me along.  It's like the world is one of those old style treadmills that have no motor and only move when you walk on them.  I can even get myself to believe it sometimes.  I make the world go round. MUA HA HA!!!

100 out of 100

Well I studied and took a HEPE quiz and got 100%.  So that's a happy turn of events.  The little boys are gone. Jen's home.  I'm not dying of heat anymore.  I'm laying in bed (well on a couch).  I still want a steak though... Yum...


I really don't know what to post.  I'm bored out of my skull.  I was going to go to a dance tonight, but now I'm stuck at my parents house tending a bundle of little boys.  Joyous... *sarcasm*  Not only is Kendall gone for the weekend, but even if he was I would still be stuck here.  It's my own fault. I agreed to come over here for the night.  I just wish any of my siblings weren't preoccupied with their friends.  I'm all alone.  All alone and doing laundry, and now, blogging about nothing.  I really want to sleep, but I have to stay awake until Jen gets home.  Her curfew is 11:30.  It's only 9:11.  It's going to be a long night.  I really want a steak.  At Applebees they have that 2 for $20 where you can get one appetizer and 2 entrees for just twenty bucks.  They have a really delicious looking steak entree.  I kind of want it. It's also unbelievably hot in my parents house which is why I'm outside blogging on my trampoline with my wonderfully...

Listen, are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?

Have You Ever Tried to Enter the Long Black Branches?  by Mary Oliver  Have you ever tried to enter the long black branches of other lives --  tried to imagine what the crisp fringes, full of honey, hanging  from the branches of the young locust trees, in early morning, feel like?  Do you think this world was only an entertainment for you?  Never to enter the sea and notice how the water divides  with perfect courtesy, to let you in!  Never to lie down on the grass, as though you were the grass!  Never to leap to the air as you open your wings over the dark acorn of your heart!  No wonder we hear, in your mournful voice, the complaint  that something is missing from your life!  Who can open the door who does not reach for the latch?  Who can travel the miles who does not put one foot  in front of the other, all attentive to what presents itself  continually?  Who will behold the inner chamber who has not observed  with admiration, even with rapture, the outer stone?  Well, there is tim...

Gnarled old man with his gnarled old stick

There has been a gnarled old man with a gnarled old stick that has frequented my dreams lately.  Sometimes he is so terrifying that I cry out in the night, and sometimes he is intriguing as if I'm supposed to learn something from his infinite gnarled wisdom.  Whatever it is I decided I would try to describe him.  It's going to be a lot of guess work as many details get lost in my sleep but we'll see. Age: Old/Ancient Height: 5'8" stooped over his stick (maybe... It's a supposition).  Posture:  Hunched over with his shoulder blades nearly parallel to the ground.  Head erect with chin parallel to the ground. Hair: Wispy and white with strands of silver.  Long thin curly beard of the same color. Face: Old and gnarled or sometimes he is half gnarled and half something else (young and wicked, submerged in shadows, young and sorrowful/full of pity).  Deep wrinkles carved throughout his face.  Wrinkles between the eyebrows as if he is in a constant scowl. Apparel: Tru...

Stake Conference

"Thou has also made our words powerful and great, even that we cannot write them; wherefore when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words; and I fear lest the Gentiles shall mock at our words." -Ether 12:25 Stake Conference was amazing!  I love feeling the spirit and feeling God's love for me.  Here is what I wrote during the talks when we were asked how we would respond to the question: Who is Jesus Christ to you? Love heals. Christ loves me and has healed my bruised and broken spirit and soothed my weeping heart.  I am eternally grateful for the atonement.  My Savior is my best friend.  He will not desert me.  He has plucked my out of my misery and made me whole.  The chains of my sin were lightened and my soul is free.  He is my Savior and friend.  He is my best friend.  He is my brother.  He loves me and died for me.  He suffered all of my pains, afflictions, and miseries because he loves me.  He has freed my soul from the priso...

My Wish

I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow, And each road leads you where you want to go, And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose, I hope you choose the one that means the most to you. And if one door opens to another door closed, I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window, If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile, But more than anything, more than anything, My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, You never need to carry more than you can hold, And while you're out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too, Yeah, this, is my wish. I hope you never look back, but ya never forget, All the ones who love you, in the place you left, I hope you always forgive, and you never regret, And you help somebody every chance you get, Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake...

Ich weiß nicht...

Ich wei ß nicht, was soll es bedeuten, daß ich so traurig bin.


If you have a weak stomach when it comes to vomit this entry is not for your eyes! For about a week now I have been feeling nauseous and weak.  My entire system has felt dead and drained.  Mentally, physically, emotionally dead.   It's definitely not a happy feeling.  The other day, yesterday in fact, I was hungry.  I woke up too late for breakfast before German.  Luckily I had an hour break before Book of Mormon.  At 10:50 I went back home and fried up three eggs, toasted two slices of bread, and rescued my orange juice from the black hole that is the fridge.  I enjoyed my warm meal then went back out into the cruel world.  After Book of Mormon I usually go to lunch with Kelsey, Smelly, and Liz, but since I had just had breakfast a few hours ago I instead decided to go take a nap in the Benson before Chemistry.  As I was napping Kendall showed up and attended my Chem class.  After we went to Subway and both wolfed down a foot-long and shared a bag of chips.  We returned to my dorm...

Thoughts on Abuse

WARNING:  MAY CONTAIN DISTURBING CONTENT I caught an online ad the other day which shocked me. It said that 1 in 4 women suffered from domestic abuse. 1 in 4? Are they expecting me to believe that 25% of women are abused by their partner? I have over several Aunts and Uncles who all seem happily married. That means that, statistically, more than two of my Aunts are being abused. So which Uncle is domestically violent?  I'm not accusing anyone, but statistically it's probable. Obviously, this thought was preposterous to me, but I couldn't get that statistic out of my head. 1 in 4? It couldn't be right. So I did some digging on the internet and discovered that it's not true. At least not in the sense I'd taken it, anyway. It's not 25% of women. However, according to womens aid, it is 1 in 4 women - over the course of their lifetime. 6-10% of women in any one year. My immediate reaction was Thank goodness . It only took a second, though, before the horror o...

Muscle Twitch

Once upon a time I was sitting in my bed with my left leg extended and my quad performed a psycho twitch... the end.

Lord, Receive My Love

Lord, receive my love Make whole this offering Oh Great Redeemer of my soul Place me in thy loving arms And lift me to thy holy state To feel thy healing grace. Lord, receive my will As I surrender all I give my vessel to be filled Bathe me with thy light Unveil thy longings unto my mind Show me what I can be Through tears and pain Thou ransomed me on the cross Thou payed the price  How can I repay thee For the love thou givest. Oh Lord, receive my life I humbly come to thee And pray that I be sanctified Make this heart be thine And use these hands  to lift a child in need or feed the poor to bless the sick or touch a soul I give my all I will give my all please Lord, receive my love. -Unknown

Not just pretty in pink.

Heh heh... So today after Book of Mormon Kelsey, Smelly, and I were standing in line at subway for lunch.  I looked out across the CougarEat and looked for the usual faces I saw during that hour.  There was Jensen, Gerber, Smith, Jonny, Jenny, and Alexis.  Among the usual faces another familiar face appeared.   Hey it's Bear from my Military Science class... hmm...  After noting the people I turned back to my conversation with Smelly and Kelsey.  Kelsey began chuckling.  After inquiring what was so funny she responded saying that she would tell me later.  Well later came much sooner than I thought.  Once Bear was out of earshot Kelsey turned to me, "Do you know one of those three guys?"  "Yeah," I responded pointing out the hat-wearing cadet, "That's Bear.  He's in my Military Science class."  Kelsey giggled, "Well when they walked past I heard him say, 'That girl is in my ROTC class,' and his friend asked which one and he said, ...

This is like, totally nauseating

Is anyone else sick and tired of this "like" word? I just can't stand it when I hear girls talk and "like" is every other word that's coming out of their flapping mouth. And I'm not referring to girls who are in their pre-teens or teenagers as the ones who do this. So-called women in their 20's and 30's are still talking this way too. Is it just a bad habit they can't break or does talking this way seem "cool and fun" to them? It's so irritating to me when I overhear a girl say something such as "I felt so like weird about like the whole like situation and I like didn't like know what to like do..." Do you realize how entirely nauseating and annoying that sounds? You might as well include an equally immature and annoying phrase similar to "gag me with a spoon" when you talk. Seriously. It's that irritating. Personally, I could never sit down and have a conversation with another woman who spoke this wa...

Square Root Day!

Today, 03/03/09, is Square Root Day!  Square Root Day was started 09/09/81 and only happens nine times every century! Woah!  One suggested way of celebrating the holiday is by eating square radishes, or other root vegetables cut into shapes with square cross sections (thus creating a "square root").  So get out there today and be square! Woo!

About me

Well I'm bored so I'm going to tell ya'll some random things about me. Enjoy! First one. Admittedly, I got this idea from a friend-of-a-friend's blog and I even stole a few, maybe even word for word (I don't remember), because they applied to me very well. Sometimes I like to say ya'll even though when others say it I fake gag. I am a very jealous person by nature.  I'm trying to be better. Even though I'm army strong I still kinda like to be a girl and get dressed up sometimes. Sometimes I even like being treated like a girl. I really love traveling. I'm afraid of the future. I expect a lot from myself because I know I can handle it.  I don't expect the same from others because I don't know them like I know myself. I'm secretly shy. Apparently, I'm a natural flirt on accident... Grr... Even though I act kinda dark sometimes I like things to be happy, light and carefree. Lake Powell is one of my most favorite places in the world. I...