
In the German language there are many adjectives that end in '-lich'. Sportlich, freundlich, natürlich, rundlich, ärgerlich, kindlich, and pünktlich are a few of those. These are translated as athletic (sporty), friendly, natural (naturally), round (roundly), irritated (angryly), kindly, and punctual (punctually). The '-lich'acts as the '-ly' in English in a way. So sometimes when I'm bored I flip through my German/English dictionary. A few days ago I found the word veluptuous. Veluptuous is defined as: full delight or pleasure of the senses; conductive to or arising from sensuous or sensual gratification; suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form. The German word for voluptuous is sinnlich. Following the '-lich' pattern that would be sinly. Voluptuousness is sinful. Yup. Straight from the German language through me to you. Enjoy.


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