Unsent letter
Hello friend, I don't know if you read my blog. I know you've read one post, but I highly doubt you've ever come back to it. I don't know, if you do read it then I guess I don't know you as well as I thought. Whatever though. I like you. I like you a lot. I think you used to like me. Remember those times when we would flirt and have a good time and laugh? Or those times that we would actually carry on a conversation? Why did those times die? I personally think it's because I want to be with you, but you don't want to be with me. Remember the countless times I've told you that it's really hard for me to act contrary to my feelings? Well my feelings tell me to be affectionate and flirty, but I know that if I act on that it will make you feel awkward. So instead I spend my time with you suppressing my feelings and feeling awkward myself rather than trying to have a good time with you. It's sad really. My friends tell me that I can do be...