
Showing posts from February, 2011

Unsent letter

Hello friend, I don't know if you read my blog. I know you've read one post, but I highly doubt you've ever come back to it. I don't know, if you do read it then I guess I don't know you as well as I thought. Whatever though. I like you. I like you a lot. I think you used to like me. Remember those times when we would flirt and have a good time and laugh? Or those times that we would actually carry on a conversation? Why did those times die? I personally think it's because I want to be with you, but you don't want to be with me. Remember the countless times I've told you that it's really hard for me to act contrary to my feelings? Well my feelings tell me to be affectionate and flirty, but I know that if I act on that it will make you feel awkward. So instead I spend my time with you suppressing my feelings and feeling awkward myself rather than trying to have a good time with you. It's sad really. My friends tell me that I can do be...

The Company of Myself

I played a delightful flash game this weekend. The company of myself. Click here to play it. The music is wondrously creepy, and the monologue by the main character insightful and depressing. If you plan on playing it to the end, don't read on. But for those of you who don't want to or can't beat it, I really want to post the monologue of the story from the game. Enjoy. If you have a minute, I'd like to tell you a bit about myself. The first thing you need to understand is that I am alone. I've been alone for a pretty long time now. I'm used to it. I'm content. Before I became more or less a hermit, I found that I had two passions in life. One was performing. Even today, when I find I can't relate to others, I can still stand in front of them and make them laugh or surprise them. The irony is strong enough to taste. It doesn't taste good. In case you're wondering, my second passion was a girl named Kathryn. But I'll get to that ...

Apriorism: making you wrong, every time.

I have been victim to it, but more than often I have victimized others using it. Apriorism is the logical fallacy of making hasty generalizations. It is leaping from one experience to a general conclusion. Example from my last post: "Boys are dumb." One boy in my life is being "dumb" and I apply that label to all boys. Surely, since I haven't interacted with every male on the planet I this label cannot be true. Statistically, the odds of every male being dumb is improbable. Not impossible, but highly unlikely. Say that, perhaps, I have never met a male that isn't dumb. Some may argue that the statement "Boys are dumb" to be true because it can't be proved false (at least with our current knowledge). That, my dear readers, is an offense of ad ignorantium. The logical fallacy that appeals to ignorance, or arguing that if something hasn't been proved false that it must be true. (Aren't logical fallacies fun?) What I'm trying...

Life, what am I supposed to do with you?

I don't know if this post will make it to posting. It may just sit in draft land like the hundreds of others I've started and never finished. Life is being difficult. Some of you may have known that I started my mission papers. Well, for those of you who knew, and I guess for those of you who didn't, the papers are now on hold indefinitely. The reasons are many and varied. Maybe it's just not right for me. If that's the case, I really don't know what to do. In other news: I am not sleeping. Not by choice. My brain is just not so into the idea I guess. I stay awake for hours just staring at the ceiling. I even have a playlist for that very thing. It's titled "Songs to lie on your bed and stare at the ceiling to." A little long, but it's the content that gives it value. Just last night I was up until about six am. I had class at ten and my alarm was set for nine. I didn't wake up until noon. I get crap from my friends for not...

Best Cousinmate Friend

This post is a special tribute to my best cousin/roommate/friend Emily who helped make my birthday great! I'm not even sure she reads this blog, but I'll e-mail her a link. (Hmm... Maybe that's a good way to get followers. Write a post about them, direct them to the post, hopefully they click the follow button, and then never post anything relevant to them ever again. Good plan.) Anyway, my cousin is one of the best roommates I could ever ask for. She's always doing me favors like driving me to class when I'm late or bringing things to work that I've forgotten. One day she even brought me Junior Mints when I was feeling sad. She is great! Well, yesterday was my birthday and she just went above and beyond this week. Someone she gathered my family, my best friends from my home ward, past roommates, friends from my previous ward, work friends, and friends from the current ward for a HUGE surprise party. The apartment was decorated and there was a lot of f...


This is the picture I drew then colored for my purdy-face cousin's birthday. Why? Cause ninjas are the bomb. Also, I'm just going to admit right here: I am extremely proud of this! Colored with a trackpad mouse in GIMP. Go me. Someone come pop my head now.