Life, what am I supposed to do with you?

I don't know if this post will make it to posting. It may just sit in draft land like the hundreds of others I've started and never finished. Life is being difficult. Some of you may have known that I started my mission papers. Well, for those of you who knew, and I guess for those of you who didn't, the papers are now on hold indefinitely. The reasons are many and varied. Maybe it's just not right for me. If that's the case, I really don't know what to do.

In other news: I am not sleeping. Not by choice. My brain is just not so into the idea I guess. I stay awake for hours just staring at the ceiling. I even have a playlist for that very thing. It's titled "Songs to lie on your bed and stare at the ceiling to." A little long, but it's the content that gives it value. Just last night I was up until about six am. I had class at ten and my alarm was set for nine. I didn't wake up until noon. I get crap from my friends for not trying hard enough in school and for being lazy. I'm not trying to be like this. I really do have goals and ambitions. For some reason I just can't get the sleep I need. Maybe I'm dying.

And in even more news, boys are dumb. Yes, I know saying that makes me guilty of apriorism, and therefore makes me immediately wrong, but I don't care. And we'll leave that one right there.

So, here's my dilemma in a nutshell: One, I was planning on a mission, but now that's up in the air. Two, I'm tired. Always. Three, even though I've found a major I love, my body can't wake up. As a result I am way WAY behind in the class. Four, I am in emotional distress and have been for the past few weeks, and I don't trust anyone enough to talk about it. Huzzah. Go life. You are awesome.

Now time to post this and start a post about apriorism, because I think we are all guilty of it.


  1. I didn't know you were doing mission papers. BUT, ladyfriend of luff, life is confusing. LIFE is a pain in the butt. (BELIEVE MEEEE I know.)

    If you need a shoulder, mine's available. If you need an ear, mine's open. Lemme know.

  2. Not being able to sleep must totally stink! I know my dad (gpa Hess) was always up at odd hours, not being able to sleep. Bret had issues with that as well as Garin. Alicia also did at one point too. Maybe Sean as well (of course he, being a nerd, just starts coding so it doesn't bother him). Maybe they have ideas that help. Maybe it's just some weird Hess thing. I occasionally have sleep issues, but mainly when I'm worried about something happening the next day. I struggle more with the opposite problem: not wanting to sleep but having to. I hate to see the current day drift into history--sign of trying to cling onto my fading youth I guess--so I stay up late by choice. Course time marches on regardless... Go figure. I'll be sure to pray for you. That must be hell. Love you. Uncle Jared.


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