Oh my goodness...

Wow... watching trading spouses. One family has this for a mother...

"I'm really critical. I don't like idiots. Stupid people. There are a lot of things I'm not tolerant of. I'm not tolerant of smokers. I don't like people who are four hundred pounds. Come on fatty! Front and center! I don't like the homeless people in my community. I actually barked at one at the stop sign one day because he just had a "Please help me. Anything helps" sign and I said you know, 'why don't you get a job.' And the illegal mexicans. They are gradually taking over the world. where's my American flag so we can go back to what we speak." She doesn't thing before she talks. She says what's on her mind and she doesn't "give a rat's ***" if she hurts people's feelings.

"When I left I thought it was going to be hard, but it was just another day. I just turned and said, 'Bye I won't miss you either.'"

The father is very into his sports and pushes his girls too hard. At a soccer game he saw his girl smiling and laughing and he turned to his wife and said, "Look at her. She's just smiling and laughing. All of the other girls are working hard and she's just having a good time."

And the whole family interacts with comments like "You're a moron." "You guy are such pigs." "You suck." "You're ugly" "Shut up. I hate that."

One daughter said, "I really don't think I would be friends with my sister If I wasn't related to her. I'm not really friends with her now, and I'm related to her."

The other said, "I really feel like I'm trying to defend myself and not become the weakest link. You know everyone attacks the smallest person in the herd and everyone attacks the smallest animal."

This family is so messed up. They don't feel safe with one another. They don't respect one another. It felt like there was no love in the house. There is no love between the siblings, the parents and children, and no love between husband and wife. They feel like they have to compete with one another. They are all very judgmental and rude. I don't know how they function. I hope that these girls either grow up and break away from the negative relationships, or that they never have children.

I will never never let my family get like this. They are messed up. I don't want my children to feel attacked. I want my children to be friends. I want my children to see the love between my husband and I.


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