
Well... I'm waiting for a video to load. So this is my waiting post. I hate waiting for things. I'm very impatient. Here's a list of things I hate waiting for:
1. School to end
2. Boys to mature
3. Weekends to come
4. Pies to bake
5. Wounds to heal
6. Hair to grow
7. Muscles to grow
8. Testimonies to grow
9. Just pretty much anything to grow...except babies
10. Movies to load
11. Blood donation deferrals to end
12. Promised phone calls
13. And other promised stuff
14. Snowboarding trips
15. The mail
16. Bed time
17. Movies to come out
18. Books to come out
19. Lost episodes to air
20. Ideas to come to my head
21. Boys to stop being boogers (Nathan)
22. Lists to be over...

Okay so that's all I can think of at the moment. Well... video is finished. Thanks for listening... :D


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