Jamba Juice Flavor - Butter Finger

So this week I forgot to pick a flavor to try so I just went up to the counter and told them that I would take any one of their "secret flavors" and the girl asked me if Butterfinger would be alright.  Well just so you know it wasn't alright.  It was disgusting.  It didn't even taste like Butterfinger.  It didn't even taste like it was trying to taste like Butterfinger.  It tasted like it was trying so very hard to be Reeses, but it tasted more like freezer burnt chocolate ice cream mixed with water and peanut butter.  It was definitely not pleasant.  I don't recommend it.  After two weeks of fails I had better get a good flavor next week.


  1. You're a lot braver than I would be!!! I've never had a jamba juice ever but I can't imagine drinking one that tasted like a butterfinger...now ice cream with butterfinger's crushed up in it..YES!!!


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