In response to organic evolution
"We share no blood with those hornless mountain rats, Firesword. They have fourteen toes, and we have fourteen toes. It pleased the gods to shape us so when they created the world. There is no other explanation."
Brisingr by Christopher Paolini (Garzhvog responding to Eragon's comment about Urgals and Dwarves both having fourteen toes)
*nods* Yup... that is all.
EDIT: This is not an attack on evolution. I am majoring in Biology and I respectfully study evolution in my studies. This is merely my belief.
I beleive in evolution, and as such I take this as an attack on society. We should not attack anothers beleif. If I knew who you were I would give you a peice of my mind, but as I dont know who you are I will keep my negative feelings to myself.