Hello? Is anyone there?

I fear that all of my lovely readers have gone.  That's expected considering I abandoned you.  I'm terribly sorry.  Life has just been carrying me along so swiftly that I haven't really found the time (read motivation) to post.  I guess it's time to work my way from the ground again as far as followers go.  Let's go!

Well folks, I'm married, and it is great!  Now, that I'm a Mormon wife I'm sure you all expect this blog to turn into a blog where I gush about how marvelous life is and post pictures of all of the cute treats I bake and crafts I make.  Or maybe a couple's blog where I claim that it's run by the Mr. and I jointly when really he knows nothing about it and I just post about how perfect our marriage is.  Well people of the internet, you're wrong.  This is my blog.  It's my personal blog.  Granted, now that I'm married I can't come here all of the time to vent and gripe to cyberspace.  (You know, I've got to keep the skeletons in the closet).  That may excite you optimistic and bubbly folks, but don't worry, I'll still have my venting posts as usual.  They'll just be my personal struggles, not those involving the differences that arise between me and my husband.  Anyway, all I'm trying to get at is that this blog won't be a craft blog, but if I feel so inclined then it will have some crafts.  This blog won't be a gushy love letter about my perfect life, but if the mood strikes me, it will have some gushy moments.  This blog will continue to be what it has always been, anything and everything that escapes my head including those things that I want to boast to the interwebs about.

Too much intro.  Time to get to it.  Married life is great.  I want to say right now, we aren't perfect at it, but Mr. R and I are getting the hang of it slowly but surely.  Too many bloggers out there give the impression that their marriage is perfect making their readers feel like their marriage isn't good enough.  I'll never lie to you about my marriage.  We have our ups and downs, but in the end the most potent times are the ups, and they far out number the downs.  Even though it's so very hard to be married, the great things about it make all of the hard things worth it.  Having a partner in everything is so wonderful.  Knowing that there's always someone on your team who will always cheer for you is so reassuring and inspiring.  This past semester of college has been my best yet, and I am convinced it is because of marriage.  My husband constantly inspires me to be a better student, friend, employee, and a better person in general.  Last semester I worked so hard to overcome my awful procrastination issues, and while many battles were lost, some were won, and they were won regularly. It was such a good semester!  Just knowing that my husband loves me no matter what pushed me to do better than I've ever done before, and the results were noticeable.  I didn't get all A's, but I did much better than any other semester before!

With the semester over I've found that I have a lot of free time quittin' time.  I've tried to take up a few projects, and some times the smaller ones pan out, the larger ones just sit in my backlog and wait for me to start them.  Instead of doing something worthwhile I just bum around on the internet.  And when I say internet I mostly mean the F-book, fail blog, iwastesomuchtime.com, and the likes.  I know, I'm a loser.  I already had my pity party and little bout of depression as I soaked in the tub tonight.  I'm a loser with no hobbies.  But, I'm going to change that.  I'm going to cut back on my useless internet time.  I've decided that blogging isn't included because for me, blogging is therapeutic whereas Facebook usually just makes me more depressed.  i'm also not including pinterest, because I'm actually a pinterest user that does the things she pins, and I'm going to rely heavily on pinterest to give me inspiration for summer projects.  So internet, that's one of my goals.  Less meaningless time in cyberspace.  Hold me to it.

And with that, I'm off to spend time with my husband before bedtime.


  1. -raises hand-
    I'm still here!
    I like this post. I stopped writing Snarky Drea for this very reason, actually. I have moved on to something different that is for being real and most of all honest with myself. I found myself playing along with this "ideal pinning blogging tweeting wife/mom" and not being very honest with myself or the few who may have read my blog.

    Anyhoo, about marriage, good for you for being open. And for being aware of the fact that the UPS are the best part and always will be. Naturally. In our case I definitely did find the old phrase "the first year is the hardest" to be completely true. It WAS the hardest for me.

    Anyhoo, I love you and am happy to see new posts here.

  2. I just re-stumbled across your blog! So happy that you are back.
    P.s I hope i am being real with my blog even though it does have that Mormon wife aspect. I just like this cooking hobby what can i say!?!


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