Whitney's steps on developing/maintaining love:
That's right folks. I have steps, and they are great. Steps for all sorts of love and they have never ever failed me. And if they've never failed me, they must be fool-proof. So here we go! My steps in no particular order: 1. Get to know the person. And I don't mean favorite color, first job, blah blah. Sure that stuff is nice, but get to know the important stuff. Learn about their values, their dreams, fears, passions, strengths, weaknesses. Learn about what makes them who they are. "I think it's impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them they way they love themselves." 2. Serve them. I've always believed that service yields love. Why do you think LDS missionaries come home with a love for the people in their mission? It's because they have been serving them. When you are able to put others above your one wants and needs you are on your way to developing love. 3. Pray for them. This on...